Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Introduction

Welcome, I suppose, to my (Ken Bellows's) personal commentary on the greatest book ever written, the #1 International Bestseller every year for at least 1600 years. It is the one book most translated, most, quoted, most loved, and most disputed. It is the Bible. And I love it.

I plan, in the following posts, to give my personal commentary on this beautiful, perfect book. I can not promise that I will update this blog consistently, nor can I plan that I will ever create a full Biblical commentary, but I figure, hey, why not give it a good effort?

Just to note from the very beginning, these are simply my thoughts and ramblings, my inspirations, and my personal applications. Take them all with a grain of salt, as I am no great scholar. I'm a Computer Science student for crying out loud. But I hope they are helpful to someone some day.

For a bit of context, hi, I'm Ken Bellows. That's my picture over there on the side. I love this book, I love this message, and I love this Jesus. For years and years I have tried to read this wonderful collection of God-breathed works cover-to-cover, specifically in a year, a few chapters a day. This year I have committed to it, and so far I have been pretty good about it. I'm a little behind at the moment, but it's okay. I'll make it up.

I feel that one great way to keep me on track is to post an entry regularly on the passages I have been reading. As I mentioned above, I can not promise that this will happen, but I am going to give it my best shot.

I will try to keep things organized by passage on a side-bar somewhere, so as to more easily navigate the hopefully large text that is amassed here. Anyway, we'll see what happens. Back soon (roughly five minutes) for the first posting, probably on Psalm 6.